Shortcut | Category |
3CT | 3 Countries Tournament |
3CTJun | 3 Countries Tournament Junior |
4H | Four Nations Grand Prix |
AATu | Alpen-Adria Tournament |
AC | Alpencup |
AC Dr | Alpencup Team |
AC Mix | Alpencup |
AlAd | Alpen Adria Nachwuchssprunglaufcup |
AlAdk | Alpe Adria Kinder |
Alga | Allgaeuer |
AnESWG | Annual Empire State Winter Games |
AnFH | Annual Fred Harris Memorial Ski Jump |
AnPCh | Annual Pepsi Challenge Ski Jump |
AnST | Annual Jindro Mayer Springer Tournee |
AnTou | Annual Tournament 5 Hills |
AuCu | Austria Cup |
BaCu | Bachtel-Cup |
BakIn | Bakuriani International |
BerTou | Berner Tournee |
CeMF | Cena mesta Frenstatu |
CET | Central European Tour |
ChKu | Chernel Kupa |
COC | Continental Cup |
COC Dr | Continental Cup team |
COC nz | Puchar kontynentalny niezaliczony do klasyfikacji |
COC_S | Continental Cup - summer |
COC_W | Continental Cup - winter |
CoCe | Cokoladova cena |
ConSa | Concours de saut |
Copa | Copa de SM EL REI |
CoTr | Campari Trophy / Cortina Trophy / Cortina Grand Prix |
CouFr | Coupe de France |
CrRe | Criterium regional franco-suisse |
CrReg | Criterium regional |
CuBer | Cup Berauer |
DrFr | Dr. Franz Immler Pokal |
DSVDeP | DSV Deutschlandpokal |
DSVInt | DSV . Internationales Skispringen |
DSVJos | DSV.Joska |
DSVNor | DSV Nord Cup |
DSVOf | DSV Offenes Ski.Springen |
DSVSch | DSV Schülercup |
EC | Europacup |
EC nz | Europa Cup not included in the classification |
EG | European Summer Games |
EG Mix | European Summer Games |
EKJun | Junioren - Europakriterium |
EnKi | Ensilumen kisat |
Eroef | Eroeffnungsspringen |
ErSp | Erzgebirgs-Springertournee |
ESL | ESL noorte Karikasari |
EYOF | European Youth Olympic Winter Festival |
EYOF Dr | European Youth Olympic Winter Festival team |
EYOF Mix | European Youth Olympic Winter Festival Mix |
EYOFDrMi | European Youth Olympic Winter Festival team |
FaPC | Falu Plast Cup |
FC | FIS Cup |
FelIn | Feldberg International |
FISTT | FIS Team Tour Standing |
FlLe | Flaming Leaves |
FluIn | Flubergrennet |
FMlo | Europa Park FIS Youth Cup |
FMlo Dr | Europa Park FIS Youth Cup team |
GA3Tu | German-Austrian 3 Hills Tournament |
GaWin | Garmisch Wintersportwoche |
GeTPo | Georg Thoma Pokal |
GiZ | Ski-Jumping Games in Zao |
GP | Grand Prix |
GP Dr | Grand Prix team |
GP Fr | Grand Prix Frenstat |
GP Mi | Grand Prix Mix |
GP NC | Nations Cup Standings GP |
GP SuTe | Grand Prix Super Team |
GP/4H | GP / Four Nations Grand Prix |
Gren | Grenzlandspringen |
GrPr | Grand Prix d'Ete |
HBC | HBC Cup Jumping Competition |
Herb | Herbstspringen |
HerCu | Herrloh . Cup |
HMTK | Halton Mini Tournee für Kinder |
HNT | Helvetia Nordic Trophy |
HoC | Hochkoenig Cup |
Hopea | Hopeasompa |
HopRe | Hopprenn |
HSF | Holmen Sky Festiwal |
HSF N | Holmenkollen Skifestival 70m |
HTB | HTB Cup |
Ilosc Kon | Number of the competitions |
Ilosc PS | Number of the World Cups |
InGur | Internationale Gurtenspringen |
InSki | Internationales Skispringen |
IntDeu | Internationaler Deutscher Sommercup |
IntFru | Internationalen Fruehjahrsspringen |
IntGlo | Internationales Glockenspringen |
IntSom | Internationales sommerskispringen |
IntSpr | Internationalen Sprungkonkrrenz |
IntSyl | Internationales Sylvesterskispringen |
IntWa | Internationales Waelderspringen |
IO | Olympic Winter Games |
IO Dr | Olympic Winter Games team |
IO Mix | Olympic Winter Games Mix |
IrMIn | Iron Mountain International |
IUG | International University Games |
IUS | International University Sport |
Jun | Four Hill Kinder - Junior |
Junior | Junioricup |
JuOl | Junior Olympics |
KakPo | Kakaovy Pohar |
Kansa | Kansalliset |
KavIn | Kavgolovo International |
KCiT | Kongsberg Cup & Trophy |
KirIn | Kirovsk International |
KirSG | Kiruna Ski Games |
KoMi | Konica Minolta |
KuKi | Kuilun kisat |
KuoSG | Kuopio Ski Games |
KusSG | Kuusamo Ski Games |
Land | Landenscup |
LMSDz | Internationaler FIS Schüler Grand Prix |
LNoTo | Norwegian Tournament (Granaasfestivalen'94) |
Loew | Loewenbraeu Cup |
LPMKG | Lake Placid Masters & Kennedy Games |
LPT | Lotos Poland Tour GP |
MacKe | Mac Kenzie intervale ski jump |
Mast | International Masters Championship |
MastGP | IMC Summer World Championships |
MatBau | Mattensprunglauf zur Baumbluete |
MatSp | Mattenspringen |
MBCiHM | Memorial Bronislaw Czech and Helena Marusarzowna |
MBeT | Mezinarodniho Beskydskeho Turne |
McDon | McDonald's Nachwuchscup |
MCML | Mala cena mesta Lomnice nad Popelkou |
MeBB | Memorial Branka Bozicka |
MeBH | Memorial Blaza Horvata |
MEJ | European Junior Championsheps |
MeJA | Memorial Jordi Aimat |
MeJP | Memorial Janeza Poldy |
MeJWe | Memorial dr Janko Wiegele |
MeMK | Memorial Marjana Kroparja |
MeSS | Memorial Senoner Simona |
MiAm | North American Championships |
MiAUT | Österreichische Meisterschaften |
MiAz | Asian Winter Games |
MiAz Dr | Asian Winter Games Team |
MiCAN | Canadian Championships |
MiCZE | Mistrovství ČR ve skoku na lyžích |
MiDDR | Wintersportmeisterschaften der DDR |
MiEST | Eesti Meistrivoeistlused |
MiFIN | National Championships |
MiFRA | Championat de France |
MiG | Miyasama-Games |
MiGER | Deutsche Meisterschaften |
MiHDW | Mistrzostwa HDW |
MiHUN | Siugro Magyar Bajnoksag |
MiISL | Iceland Championship |
MiITA | Campionato Italiano |
MiJPN | Mistrzostwa Japoni |
MiKat | Open Campionat de Catalunya |
MiKS | International Competition Ski Jumping |
Mini-To | Mini - Tournee |
MiNOR | National Championships |
MiROU | Campionatul National al. Romaniei |
MiRUS | Russian Championship |
MiSKAN | Scandinavian Championships |
MiSPA | Campeonatos de Espaza |
MiSUI | Schweizermeisterschaften |
MiSVK | Majstrovsta Slovenska |
MiSWE | SM Plastbacke |
MiTa | Tatra championship |
MiUSA | National Championships |
MoLoM | Moebel Loeffler 5-Schanzen-Minitournee |
MosIn | Moscow International |
MS | World Championships |
MS Dr | World Championships team |
MS Mix | World Championships Mix |
MSJun | Junior World Ski Championships |
MSJun Dr | Junior World Ski Championships team |
MSJun Mix | Junior World Ski Championships |
MSL | FIS Ski Flying World Championships |
MSL Dr | FIS Ski Flying World Championships team |
MSnk | World Championships unclassified |
MuIn | Murau International |
MZPKS | Internationale Jugendwettkaempfe der "Freundschaft" |
MZSG | International Winter Spartakiada Guards |
Nacht | Nachtspringen |
NC | NC Hopp |
NHK | NHK-Cup |
NordWMT | Nord Westdeutsche Mattenschanzen Tournee |
NoTe | Nocna tekma za "Rudarsko svetilko" |
NoTo | Norwegian Tournament |
NoTou | Norge Tournament |
NST | New Star Trophy |
NT | Nordic Tournament |
Nylit | Nylit Magyar Orszagos |
ObSG | Internationale Oberhofer Skispiele |
OeCu | OETKER - Cup |
OPADr | OPA Team |
Oster | Internationales OsterSkisprringen |
OVOro63 | OPA 1963 |
P7 | Planica 7 |
PaBi | Paul Bietila Memorial |
Pfin | Pfingstspringen |
PHVl | Pohar Hotelu Vlcina |
PIO | Pre-Olympic Competitions Winners (1955-1979) |
PK | International competition for the Cup of the Giant Mountains |
PlIn | Planica International |
PNF | Pohar Narodni Fronty |
PoAr | Pokal Argeta |
PoBB | O pohar mesta Banska Bystrica |
PoCo | Pokal Cockta |
PoCu | Polar Cup |
Pokal | Pokalspringen |
PoKo | O pohar Kooperativy |
PoKr | Pokal Kranja |
PomRo | O pohar starosty mesta Roznov |
PoT | Polish Tour |
PoT Dr | Polish Tour Team |
PoT SuTe | Polish Tour Super Team |
PoTy | Poждественское турне |
PoVKr | Pohar Valasskeho kralovstvi |
PoVT | Pohar Vysokych Tatier |
Poz | The remaining |
PP | Friendship Cup |
PPJun | Friendship Cup juniors |
PS | World Cup |
PS Dr | World Cup team |
PS Lot | World Cup Flying |
PS Lot Dr | World Cup Flying team |
PS Mi | World Cup Mix |
PS NC | Nations Cup Standings WC |
PS SuTe | Super Team |
PS/NT/L | WC/NT/Flyning |
PuB | The Beskids Cup |
PuBJun | The Beskids Junior Cup |
PuKa | FIS Carpathian Cup |
PuKon | Internationaler Sprunglauf "Kongresschanzercup" |
PuT | Tatra Cup |
RA | Raw Air |
Raif | Raiffeisen SPL |
RaifLand | Raiffeisen Landescup |
RaifSom | Raiffeisen Sommer Tournee |
RCHo | RC Hopp |
ReSMo | Revija skokov Mostec |
RevIn | Revelstoke International |
RPHo | Rocnik Poharu Horecek |
SaOM | Sapporo Olympic Memorial |
SchPok | Schwarzwaldpokal |
SchTu | Schwarzwaeld Tournament |
SchTuJun | Schwarzwaeld Tournament Junior |
Schwar | Schwarzwaelder Springen.Tournee |
ScTo | Scandinavian Tournament |
SiMIn | Silver Mine Invitational |
SkCh | Ski jumping challenger |
SkiSp | Skispringen |
SMGS | Sepp Mayer Gedaechtnis Skispringen |
SnSJT | Snowflake Ski Jumping Tournament |
SpNa | Sparkassn Nachwuchscup |
SpSon | Sporthotel Sonnenhof Cup |
SS | Falun International |
StaPo | Stadtpokalspringen |
Stein | Steinbockspringen |
StMCC | St. Moritz Christmas Competition |
StNIn | St. Nizier International |
STV | STV Cup |
Su pn rz | Total actual results for the classifications |
Su pn w kon | Total results in the competitions |
Su pn z Kl | Total results from the classifications |
SuTo | Super Tour |
SvCu | Svenska Cupen |
T4Sdz | Four Hill Kinder |
TCS | Four Hill |
ThBIn | Thunder Bay International |
T-N 5 | Titisee - Neustadt 5 |
ToDe | Toni Denk Cup |
TouFr | Tournee de France |
Tq | |
TS | Schweizer Sprnger Tournee |
TSDr | Schweizer Sprnger Tournee Team |
TSV | TSV Cup |
TuBo | Turne Bohemia |
TuTu | Thueringer Schanzentournee |
TyLot | Skiflying Week Winners |
TySk | Mednarodni teden skokov |
UNI | Universiade |
UNIDr | Universiade Team |
US Cup | US Cup |
USIC | Union Sportive Internationale des Cheminots |
VCML | Velka cena mesta Lomnice nad Popelkou |
VeCu | Veikkaus Cup |
W6 | Willingen 6 |
WaWi | Waidla Wirte Nachwuchscup |
WF | Willingen Five |
WintSe | Wintersportverein Semering |
WRL | World Ranking List |
YOG | Youth Olympic Winter Games |
YOG Mix | Youth Olympic Winter Games Mix |
ZMSDz | LOTOS Grand Prix |
ZSAZ | Winter Spartakiada friendly Army |
ZwL | Lahti International |
ZwRo | Ounasuaaran talvikisat Rovaniemi |